Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Actividades para el Verano

Activities to do during the summer to practice your Spanish skills!

-Go to the tab "Los videos favoritos" and watch your favorite Spanish videos.
-Click on the link on the left menu. You can practice using the tiny tap activities I have created over the past few years. If you scroll down, you can click on the links to go to different websites and play different games to practice Spanish vocabulary.

You can click here to go to and watch the free videos and play their interactive games.

You can also watch the Salsa- students love it! Episodes are 15 to 30 minutes long.

Incoming 4th, 5th, and 6th graders can keep using their Rosetta Stone accounts during the summer! Click here for login instructions on a computer or device (iPad, phone, tablets, etc.)

Other activities you can try at home is to listen to the radio in Spanish, watch your favorite movie in Spanish (go to settings and change the audio to Spanish!), read books, and/or listen to books in Spanish using your library card and go to tumblebooks (click here for link).

Above all, have fun while you are doing all or some of the suggested activities. If you take pictures of your child practicing Spanish, send them to me at, I would love to post them on twitter! 

Enjoy your summer and see you back in August!

Srta. Zaragoza

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